Sooooo, people think Obamacare will not make life decisions?…..

Obama health care adviser Dr. Ezekial Emanuel (brother of Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel).(page 428) –considers prognosis, since its aim is to achieve complete lives. A young person with a poor prognosis has had a few life-years but lacks the potential to live a complete life. Considering prognosis forestalls the concern the disproportionately large amounts of resources will be directed to young people with poor prognoses. When the worst-off can benefit only slightly while better-off people could benefit greatly, allocating to the better-off is often justifiable….When implemented, the complete lives system produces a priority curve on which individuals aged between roughly 15 and 40 years get the most chance, whereas the youngest and oldest people get chances that are attenuated.

  So you see, Palin calling Obamacare a “death panel” is, in fairness quite accurate. No???disinfo

~ by royzer on August 10, 2009.

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